Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Little Brown Books

Having been accepted to the Peace Corps and shipping out in April, I realized that it might be good to have a set of these little, easily transportable books. Problem was, they're a bit on the pricey side to take to rural Bulgaria only to be ripped, soiled, and smudged, so I decide to print my own.

All that's left to do is figure out which two books I want to print with these extra sheets of cardstock. Right now, I'm leaning towards Eldritch Wizardry and Greyhawk, but might switch out Carcosa with G.H.'s thieves and paladins.

And, yes. My apartment really does have orange counter tops.


  1. I'm going to have to print some for myself as well. You've just inspired me to do it. And just a note - orange countertops are actually pretty cool. But that's coming from a Cleveland Browns fan. Take it as you will.

  2. Those look great. Do you happen to know what card stock you used for the covers?

  3. I picked up the paper from my mother's scrap-book cabinet last time I was back home, about six months ago. So I haven't the slighted idea. Sorry, Paul.
