Today marks the first character in FLAILSNAILS to take up the sword of a Legionary in Agrivaina. While heavily based on the fighting-man, the Legionary (as well as it's counter-part, the Hoplite ) are a few slightly different special abilities, as described below:
You have a d6 HD, save as a fighter, but you require the same XP as a magic-user to level and 1/4 of your treasure is expected to be sent back to the empire. In exchange you:
* May receive any necessary clerical spells short of raise dead for free if returned to Roma
* Have a 12 + 3% chance per level to correctly divine knowledge from entrails of a goat
* Have 2 loyal Roman henchmen willing to get your back. (1d4 HP, armed in roman military gear)
* Can make a shield wall
For your military gear, you start armed with a suit of Lorica segmentata armor (banded mail), tower shield, gladius (short sword), 3 pilum (javelins), and a Corinthian helm.
You have a d6 HD, save as a fighter, but you require the same XP as a magic-user to level and 1/4 of your treasure is expected to be gifted to your 2 loyal henchmen. In exchange you:
* Receive a +1 bonus to reaction rolls for great oratory
* Once per week, you may call on the Arete of Achilles, blessing you and all of the fighter-types in your party, as per the spell
* Have 2 loyal Greek henchmen willing to get your back. (1d4 HP, armed with a spear, shield, and wearing a toga)
* Can make a shield wall
For your military gear, you start armed with a bronze breastplate and helm, round shield, a spear, and a short sword.
Shield Wall
Forming a shield wall allows you and any other Legionaries/hoplites (including your henchmen) to automatically lose initiative in exchange for a +1 to AC so long as you remain in a lined formation.