- After gathering 5 halfling goat-rider, a roguish knight, and a ballista to their cause, Xawatlem, Sven, Samson Jones, Eggs, Ba Chim set off to slay the infamous Dragonhound, which turned out to be giant, possessed 22HD ferret with a clan of dire wolves. Only the halflings and the knight were slain.
- On the way back, Sven and his new giraffe mount, assaulted the knight's keep and reclaimed it in the name of Skull Lord Uggs.
- After a day's rest, Xawatlem returned to the Dragonhound's cave with Sven, Ba Chim, and [Duke's elf character]. There uncovered a secret underground lair within and unknowingly set a Roman-hating, undead legion upon the land.
In the aftermath, Lord Uggs and Alexander of Wessex have declared war on each other over who is the more suitable lord and are looking for additional FLAILSNAILS PC to join their causes.
Sven has been dubbed, by the great Skull Lord, 'Arch Doom Duke,' the second in command the of the Skull Lord's new, spiffy castle.
Samson Jones, on the other hand, is assumbling a "crack team" of "unhinged religious zealots" to fight said demonic legion. He is probably looking for allies as well.
Finally, Xawatlem has declared himself 'Wookie Pope' and is seeking legitimacy for his new title. In the mean time, he is using his resurrection spell to raise a order of "Born-Again Knights" as to thwart Samson for getting all the glory.